The Blog
Are you trying to Navigate a Creative Life? Need a bit of a boost with some Creative Fuel? Or are you interested in some Reflections on Photography in our modern world? If you’re an inquisitive sort, you might enjoy these stories of the Odd & Curious, or the Meanings of Colour or the physical and emotional aspects of a Sense of Place. Finally, there are posts in the Book Nook, not reviews as such, personal thoughts on books I love.
25 Books by Indigenous Authors of Canada
25 books from short stories to memoirs to fiction inspired by the Indigenous experience. Plus books for younger people and non-fiction works about the traumatic effects of colonialism.
Using Photographs for Your Creative Writing
Explore the magic of photographs for your imagination and the transformative potential of visual prompts.
Looking Fear in the Eye
Are you holding on to fears about your creativity and writing? Try the three-point plan by Beth Pickens to help move forward.
Tiny Paper Rectangles
Photographs from an old Kodak instamatic camera stir up memories and stories from the 1980s.
Pretend You’re a Time Traveller
Your family photos are mini-portals in time pushing you forwards, backward and sideways in your mind.
Words to Live By
A poem for you plus finding meaningful words to help you reach your creative writing goals.