The Blog

Are you trying to Navigate a Creative Life? Need a bit of a boost with some Creative Fuel? Or are you interested in some Reflections on Photography in our modern world? If you’re an inquisitive sort, you might enjoy these stories of the Odd & Curious, or the Meanings of Colour or the physical and emotional aspects of a Sense of Place. Finally, there are posts in the Book Nook, not reviews as such, personal thoughts on books I love.

THE ODD & CURIOUS Tanya Clarke THE ODD & CURIOUS Tanya Clarke

Field Notes #6

My daughter tells me to get to the bus-stop ten minutes early. The bus-stop is less than a minute walk from our house. If the bus arrives early it never waits. If you’re early, the bus will be late. Ahhh…c’est la vie.

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THE ODD & CURIOUS Tanya Clarke THE ODD & CURIOUS Tanya Clarke

A Moment of Conflict

There’s a man, an angry man, older, not from here. He hates it when we park here — park at the back of his shop. Sometimes we sit longer than we should, waiting for our children — blocking the spaces for customers. Most of the time, we try to be quick. Five minutes max. That’s what’s been asked of us.

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