What is the Story Here?
Imagine yourself standing here between the mannequins.
Behind the Glass
When I started posting pictures as a stimulus for creative writing in 2019, there were no limits to what I considered 'creative freedom'.
"Write whatever you want!" I thought. "No limits to your creativity. Here's a picture every day. What can you write?"
After a few months of this utter madness, I wrote a How to Use Creative Writing Prompts guide for readers at A Picture, A Story. Those who were wondering, 'I like this but what is it all about?'
About halfway through 2020, after having written nearly 400 stories, I came to the realisation, an epiphany if you like, that A Picture, A Story wasn't about me anymore. I was growing A Picture, A Story for you. You, the creative writer. You, the passionate reader who wants to write. You, who has a tale to tell but isn't quite sure where to start. You, who desperately wants to write but thinks they have no ideas. I remember how this feels. All of those things were me.
I now try to give you writing ideas with more depth and structure, and yes, a few constraints. These constraints will help you find the edge of your writing. Here is where you can leap into the unknown and discover a story. Here you’ll find the energy and heat. It's scary stuff but I know you can do it.
For this week, imagine yourself standing behind the mannequins in the picture above. (You explored a similar idea in this writing exercise by Lynda Barry a few weeks ago).
What Can You Hear?
Listen carefully.
What can you hear behind you?
What can you hear in front of you?
What can you hear through the window?
Are there sounds above you?
Are there sounds below your feet?
Is anyone talking?
What are they saying?
Do they know each other?
Pay close attention to these sounds and write them down.
Is there a story?
Can you write it?
Maybe the picture prompts a memory for you.
Where are you?
Who are you with?
What are you doing?
Write it all down.
Write it down. Write it down. Write it down.