Writing Prompt 5: Green Corridor

Looking down a museum corridor

Through a Glass Door

Looking down a hallway in a building a few centuries old, the black and white tiles guide my eye into the dark shadow of a door at the end. Marble busts of white men in curled wigs sit on pedestals peering away from the light of the small windows.

What story speaks to you here? Write it down, write it down.

Anna placed the palm of her hand against the glass, feeling a ripple of energy emanate from the gloom beyond.

A figure skipped down the corridor towards the door at the other end, her dress flowing out behind her. A loose ribbon from her hair caught on the handle as she ran through and fluttered gently to the floor.


Anna jumped and knocked her forehead on the glass.

“Oh god, sorry. Didn’t mean to make you jump. You okay? You look a bit pale.”

Anna took off her glasses and rubbed her forehead. “I’m fine,” she said. “I just…I thought I saw something. Someone. It was weird.” Anna squinted and peered through the glass again. Laughter echoed around the empty corridor bouncing off the walls until it reached the door. Anna stepped back hurriedly, catching Helene’s foot with the heel of her boot. Helene caught her as she stumbled.

“Watch it!" Helene pulled her foot out from under her friend's foot. "They've all moved on to the library,” she said. “This place gives me the creeps. Do you still have that nail file? I broke my nail on the lock of the loo door.”

Anna nodded, feeling in her jacket pocket for the tiny metal file her grandmother had given her when she stopped biting her nails.

“Come on," said Helene pulling at Anna's arm. "Big Mags will be looking for us. You know how her tits jiggle when she gets pissed off.”

Anna laughed. Helene’s humour was always getting her into trouble. She moved away from the door just as a hand reached through the glass and caressed her hair.

Story first posted March 2020 // Photo: Tanya Clarke - Chambord, France 2009


Writing Prompt 6: Staircase


Writing Prompt 4: Ceiling Lamp