The Blog
Are you trying to Navigate a Creative Life? Need a bit of a boost with some Creative Fuel? Or are you interested in some Reflections on Photography in our modern world? If you’re an inquisitive sort, you might enjoy these stories of the Odd & Curious, or the Meanings of Colour or the physical and emotional aspects of a Sense of Place. Finally, there are posts in the Book Nook, not reviews as such, personal thoughts on books I love.
Photo Notes #1
Here’s the first post of a continuing series - hopefully. These are the photos I take around and about with no clear directive in mind. Like written notes, I think of them as visual notes.
Taking Photographs on a Sunny Afternoon
The sun warms my face while shallow waves lap the shore. The bottle of cold beer I reach for is sweating small beads of condensation as it sits on a table under the dappled shade of a palm tree.
Nature’s Ghosts and an Eclipse
When I first started writing this a week ago, the rain was hammering down in vertical sheets filling the house with a dark and gloomy atmosphere. Looking out of the window today the sun is bright, the sky blue and I can see the snow capping the mountains just beyond.
How Do You See the World?
Pool, puddles and jumping. Here’s one of my favourite family photos. Looking at it again ten years later, I find myself on a thought journey about photography and creativity.
Contemplating the Family Photo Album
Memories can be slippery devils. They swim around my brain, waiting for a moment of capture, the moment when I need to reel one into my conscious mind to muse over.
The Great White Silence
In 2014 my husband and I went on a trip to Iceland. We were excited to have some time to ourselves while our two children aged 9 and 7 at the time, spent the weekend with family.