The Blog
Are you trying to Navigate a Creative Life? Need a bit of a boost with some Creative Fuel? Or are you interested in some Reflections on Photography in our modern world? If you’re an inquisitive sort, you might enjoy these stories of the Odd & Curious, or the Meanings of Colour or the physical and emotional aspects of a Sense of Place. Finally, there are posts in the Book Nook, not reviews as such, personal thoughts on books I love.
Forest Bathing in North Vancouver
The first time we saw the bear we weren't in our house. Away on holiday, we peered at the video footage from the camera that points down from the corner of the garage.
Is One Picture Worth a Thousand Words?
A good few years ago, maybe ten, I made a piece of work for a photography festival in the seaside town where I lived called The Telling of Tall Tales. I have long been interested in stories and pictures, and how the two connect and support each other. No surprises there looking around this website.
A Place to Dream
Where do you write? Do you need peace and quiet to concentrate or are you able to write with noise? Here are some tips on finding that perfect place for creative work.
Words to Live By
A poem for you plus finding meaningful words to help you reach your creative writing goals.
Embrace the Shadows in Your Writing
Take some time to search deep into the shadows of your story. It’s the shadows that shape the light of your writing. Find the way here.