Write About the Colour Yellow

When I think of the colour yellow I think of the sun, heat, taxis, lemons and bananas.

Yellow rubber washing up gloves lying on a chopping board

A pair of marigolds. Photo: Tanya Clarke 2020

I Find You Unstable

What do you think of when you think of the colour yellow?

I think of my bright yellow rain jacket hanging in the closet ready for the next downpour. I see the dandelions in the grass in Spring before they turn to seed clocks. I think of bright fields of daffodils erupting through the soil when the air is still cold with winter and the sunflowers I’ve tried to grow. I think of the yellow skin of my newborn babies; infant jaundice is common. I remember placing their cot by the window where the UV light could break down the toxins buried in their skin. 

I discover in Eygpt that the colour yellow is symbolic of death and mourning. I learn that babies cry more in rooms painted yellow. I remember as a teenager wearing a cotton flannel shirt woven with yellow and black checks. There are many country flags that have bright yellow in their designs; stripes, stars and arrows. In the UK, yellow rubber gloves are often called Marigolds.

This week, you could write about the colour yellow or incorporate the colour into a story or simply write from the picture above. The title, I find you unstable, came to mind after reading this sentence:

The color yellow is a spontaneous and unstable color.

Maybe you could write from there; spontaneous and unstable. How interesting. I’m thinking unsteady mental health, a difficult but charismatic person. You can take it from there.

Hopefully, this has given you some ideas for where your writing might take you this week. Let me know in the comments how you're getting on. See you next time.


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